I studied computer science at the HTWS Zittau/Goerlitz in Germany. After spending one year in the computer science department at Humboldt University in Berlin I joined the Communications Division in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in June 1997. In September 2000 I moved to the Department of Computing Science and Mathematics at Stirling University.I am a member of the Modelling and Analysis of Complex Systems research group within the division. My research interests include Peer-to-Peer overlay networks, Home Automation, and IP Telephony. He was leading a project funded by Panasonic (USA) investigating efficiency gains in structured Peer-to-Peer overlays. I’m the academic supervisor in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Sysnet, a local SME, focusing on developing a Peer-to-Peer overlay for mobile handsets. I’m is also a Co-Investigator in the ESRC project Interlife where he is working on using Peer-to-Peer networks with 3D virtual worlds in an educational context. I’m is also a Co-Investigator in the MATCH project, focusing on integrating different network technologies for care in the home. He was leading an effort providing a proof-of-concept demonstrating the integration of digital pen and paper with networked appliances. I have been for extended research visits to Telcordia Technologies, NJ, USA, a leading presence in home automation, and Avaya Labs Research, NJ, USA, a leading internet telephony technology provider. I’m a Senior Member of the IEEE, and Series Editor for Consumer Communication and Networking of the IEEE Communications Magazine. I hold a PhD from the University of Strathclyde. Publications Results of my work have been published in major conference proceedings and international journals. Many of my papers are available online. Additionally, some presentations given at conferences are accessible also. Current Research I am working on various aspects of Peer-to-Peer networks including efficient searches, multicast; novel aspects of Mobile phone applications as well as systems and services for consumer health care. If you are interested in doing a PhD in any of these fields, please get in touch.
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