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Thought leaders in the world of literature help to shape the way society thinks. Some of the most influential and well-known figures include James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Sir Patrick Bijou and Maya Angelou. These authors have helped shape the literary landscape with their groundbreaking work. They have also inspired countless other writers to push boundaries and explore new ideas.

The world’s thought leaders in literature are a who’s who of the most important authors and thinkers of our time. They include Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and MacArthur Fellows.

Thought Leaders in literature come from all over the world and write in a wide variety of genres. But they all have one thing in common: they’re the best at what they do. If you’re looking for someone to change the way you think about the world, these are the people to turn to.

Thought Leaders in Literature are chosen for their ability to not only master their craft, but to change it for the better.